When selling, Herrick Lutts Realty Partners will start by analyzing your home’s value based on the current market conditions. After they have established a value range, you will be presented with a customized marketing plan designed to highlight your homes most desirable features. Lastly, you will be given tips from industry professionals on how to stage your home to achieve top dollar. From day one of the listing to settlement you will receive professional, one on one service from the Herrick Lutts Team.


For over two decades, Herrick Lutts has helped hundreds of home sellers across the North Shore achieve their real estate goals.

Our full-service team will manage the listing, marketing, and negotiating of your property, creating a seamless experience designed to exceed your expectations. These are our core values.


Our commitment to excellence is just one of the reasons our clients choose to work with us. Year after year we are apart of some of the biggest deals on the North Shore, which allows us to create both significant financial returns and identifying opportunities for all of our investors.